This monthly wrap up is a little late, but only because I've been lazy and sick and haven't felt like doing much of anything akin to blogging.
But here it is now! Better late than never! =D
Better progress was made in the month of April than I'd expected (considering I probably finished the bulk of my reads during the last two weeks of the month), but still not the average number of books I used to be able to read. Times are definitely changing, but I'm still quite satisfied with myself. I read two books the first two weeks of the month, and then somehow managed to squeeze seven books into the last two weeks... all because of library book due dates, though. And also, at least three of the books I've been reading for a long time, so they were bound to get finished eventually, and fortunately all were finished about the same time.
Unfortunately, I did not read all of the Reading Assignment books I'd set out to read for the month of April... and I also only rolled once all month for BookLikes Snakes and Ladders.
Here's hoping the next month will bring more progress!
April Reads

Books Dropped/Put On Hold
Currently Reading

April Reading Stats
Total works read: 9
- 8 print/e-book novels
- 1 audio books
Average rating: 3.61 Stars
- Highest Rated: A Dangerous Collaboration by Deanna Raybourn // 5.0 Stars
- Lowest Rated: 4 books // 3.0 Stars
- (1) Late for the Wedding by Amanda Quick
- (2) Furry Logic by Matin Durrani & Liz Kalaugher
- (3) Indigo by Beverly Jenkins
- (4) Dangerous by Amanda Quick
Series I started reading:
- The Scarlet Pimpernel by Emmuska Orczy
Series I completed:
- Lake & March by Amanda Quick
Series I have made progress on:
- Veronica Speedwell by Deanna Raybourn
- Discworld by Terry Pratchett
- The World of the Others by Anne Bishop
- Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld
Favorite reads: As we can see, I was absolutely entranced by Deanna Raybourn's newest installment of Veronica Speedwell. A Dangerous Collaboration proved to be just as great as its predecessors, and dare I say, maybe my favorite of the series so far, if only because Stoker has grown to the point of fictional character true loves out for my heart!
Disappointing reads: Just as last month was, I don't think I really had any disappointing reads in April, as no book rated any lower than the average rating of 3.0 stars. I've enjoyed everything I've read so far, though if I really had to pick one book, I guess I'd say that I was a little disappointed in the Amanda Quick books, if only because I know she can do so much better.
Reviews & Notable Posts
Reviews Written
- A Most Extraordinary Pursuit by Juliana Gray
- Lake & March series by Amanda Quick
- A Dangerous Collaboration by Deanna Raybourn
- Mort by Terry Pratchett
- Wild Country by Anne Bishop
- Furry Logic by Matin Durrani & Liz Kalaugher
- Indigo by Beverly Jenkins
Other Posts
- BookLikes Snakes and Ladders | Dice Roll #13... gets another SNAKE...
- Pre-Review Thoughts: A Dangerous Collaboration
- A Random Ani Update...
- Starting Buddy Read: Indigo
- BookLikes Snakes and Ladders | Dice Roll #14, #15, and #16!
Coming Up In May
Tentative TBR

Other Stuff
I would love to read the above books this month, and in fact, I have plans to start The Sittaford Mystery as soon as I finish Goliath. I'm crossing my fingers with hopes that Tightrope will be accessible to me soon, and I've decided to start tackling all the Amanda Quick books starting with her first (or at least the first JAK book written as Amanda Quick), so Seduction went on the list.
With my Snakes and Ladders game still going though, it's a little hard to figure out what books I'll be reading next. I definitely will be jumping into Hard Target, because I've never let a new Pamela Clare release sit for too long before devouring it (except her historicals, which I've just recently gotten interested in). Otherwise, aside from An Inquiry into Love and Death, which I recently finished reading, and The Other Side of Midnight, which I'm currently reading, I need one more historical novel to complete my Reading Assignment this month. So we'll see how things play out.
As I stated, I'm still working on the Snakes and Ladders game, so there will be other update posts forthcoming. I'm starting to plan the Summer Semester for Reading Assignment, so there will be an announcement post for that, probably closer to the end of the month.
In the meantime, it's really just reviews, as well as sitting back and waiting to see if my BookLikes buddies will be planing any summer games!
2018 Wrap-Ups
Past Monthly Reading Wrap Ups (2016 / 2017)
See Also: 2015 Reading Wrap-Up posts (scroll to bottom of page)
(updated as year progresses by month)
January | February | March | April | May | June
July | August | September | October | November | December