hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer

This read-a-thon is in conjunction with the March Take Control of Your TBR Pile Challenge. However anyone can join. All you need is a pile of books, an ereader or audiobooks released before March 1, 2016. The idea of this thon is to read only books from your TBR pile for 24 hours. You can choose to read during the daylight hours or you can get jacked up on Caffeine and go the distance. The idea is to have fun, reduce your TBR pile and make new friends.


And it starts!


Again, I'm not participating in this year's March Take Control of Your TBR Pile Challenge, but I am interested in this 24 hour read-a-thon anyway.


I know I'm not going to be able to read much during this time, but having a read-a-thon lurking in the background of my daily activities will, at the least, have me reaching for a book instead of just laying around, staring at the ceiling in contemplation.  Or something like that.


In my first post about this thon, I had listed the second and third Lady Julia Grey books as Read-a-thon Hopefuls--books I had hoped to start reading or at least read part of for this read-a-thon.  But due to some last minute shuffling and decision-making, courtesy of an IRL buddy read, Silent in the Grave ended up being reshuffled into April's Reading Assignment Challenge and now I've re-selected other books I might read for this thon.


Currently Reading

The Wavering of Haruhi Suzumiya by Nagaru Tanigawa // 119/193 pages read

Silver in the Blood by Jessica Day George // 19/353 pages read


While I am currently reading these books, I'm actually more inclined to reach for my March My TBRL winner (listed below).  But we'll see how the day turns out.  All of these books have been on my TBR list for a long time, two of which I own, and one that is a library check out..


If I'm lucky I will finish one of these books.  Otherwise, I'll be content to manage a good portion of reading from any one of these three books.  At the very least, I think I should at least be able to get eight hours of reading in, even if it's throughout the day.


Read-a-thon Hopefuls

The Carriage House by Carla Neggers // 362 pages





Happy reading to everyone!




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