**This page has been inactivated. Please look for new bookish meme posts at Ani's Book Abyss // Blogspot // Bookish Memes.
I'm not entirely certain I know what I'm doing with this page since I have a dedicated page for the Top Ten Tuesday meme. But as a part of my 2016 Bookish Resolution to pick up another two monthly/weekly memes here and there, I figure I needed more organization.
I'll work on the organization part as I go, I guess.
In the meantime, I will be listing any other meme and all posts related to them here.
My TBR List is a monthly meme hosted by Michelle @ Because Reading.
The basic gist of this activity is to have others help decide on which book out of three I'm selecting from my TBR pile I should read for the month via votes. Posts for voting, the winning book, and the final book review will go up on Saturdays.
Click on the above links for more information.
February 2016 / Romance Theme edition
- 2/6/2016: Nominees/Voting
- 2/13/2016: Winning Book Announcement
- 2/27/2016: Review of The Sugar Cookie Sweetheart Swap
March 2016 / March Reading Assignment edition-- (coming soon)
- 3/5/2016: Nominees/Voting
- 3/12/2016: Winning Book Announcement
- 3/26/2016: Review of The Carriage House
*All new My TBR List posts will now be listed at Ani's Book Abyss' Bookish Meme page // Blogspot.
COVER CRUSH on Thursdays
Because no matter the book's summary blurb, author, or marketing, there's no doubt that many of us are drawn in by a pretty cover. And the great ones are hard not to notice. I'm admittedly not immune to wonderfully crafted book covers and have fallen prey to them time and time again.
Cover Crush is a feature originally thought up by Erin at Flashlight Commentary. Every Thursday, she publishes a post featuring a book jacket/book cover that she really likes with a short commentary about it. I discovered this weekly feature via It's a Mad Mad World here at Booklikes and decided to join in the fun!
2/18/2016: The Housekeeper and the Professor by Yoko Ogawa
2/25/2016: Nevernight by Jay Kristoff
3/10/2016: Cover Crush: SWAT series by Paige Tyler
3/17/2016: The Steep & Thorny Way by Cat Winters
3/24/2016: Cover Crush: Vessel by Sarah Beth Durst
*All new Cover Crush posts will now be listed at Ani's Book Abyss' Bookish Meme page // Blogspot.