I'm uncertain how I feel about The Giver, but given the huge popularity as well as "classic"-ness of this book, I can't be certain that I'm on the same page. It always worries me to find that a lot of people loved a certain book, but when I finally read it, I'm questioning my ability to see why the book is so popular.
Do I just NOT understand it like everyone else does? Is there something I've missed, maybe?
There's no doubt that I enjoyed reading The Giver; there was an immensely hungry curiosity I felt while reading the book. Throughout, I had a need to know what was going to happen on every aspect, be it the story, the characters, or even Jonas, himself. I found myself more and more curious about the story's development and I started asking questions about the society, the community, the world, the people...
Mainly, I wanted to know how the world came about to be the way it is in The Giver. I mean, there's a definitive "reason", but what propelled that need to force a community where everything is dictated by a structurally organized lifestyle that never deviates, built for the maximum sake of survival, to have to exist? What will continue to happen? Because no matter how soundproof a society's structure, there will always be a flaw somewhere that will eventually dictate the collapse of everything the community has stood for for hundreds and hundreds of years.
(show spoiler)
It's an interesting concept, the ideas within the dystopian world of The Giver. However, I'm not sure I'm appreciating or comprehending The Giver on more than a simple, "Did I enjoy this book and what does it do for me?" level. Like I'd mentioned before, I'm done with deep analysis and insightful thinking.
So, to me, while The Giver was a thoroughly well-written and enjoyable book, it didn't slip my notice that there is still so much missing from the story itself, especially after the fairly abrupt ending given to us. I won't go into too much detail, even if I'll try to explain my conflicts in a way that doesn't spoil too much of the ending for others who haven't read The Giver.
Nonetheless, I should probably place a spoiler tag somewhere in here for the next few paragraphs.
Despite the face that this book has been circulating for a long time now, I'm sure there are still people who haven't read it. I mean, I've had this thing on my reading list since I was in middle school and finally picked it up to fulfill a Reading Challenge priority for this year. I'm not saying that I would have never read it, I'm just saying that it wasn't ever my first choice simply because my mood dictates what I read and my recent mood has taken me in different directions.
So, while I don't like giving away conclusions and surprises, I'm going to label the next few paragraphs with a spoiler tag, because I will inevitably give away the exact way that the book ends.
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I guess I'm mostly concerned about the abrupt ending. You don't know what happened and why and whether or not the progress of the story meant anything at all. But otherwise, I will admit that I enjoyed the majority of what I read in The Giver. So I'm not really all that disappointed since I wasn't really sure what I was expecting anyway.
This book was read as part of my 2014 TBR Pile Challenge hosted by Roof Beam Reader.
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