For my second roll, I had gotten an 7 and moved from Mystery Square 8 to New Orleans Square Station (14). It was a hard selection, but I chose to read The Paris Assignment by Addison Fox, which is clocked at 284 pages (Kindle), equaling $3.00. It took me having to skip over a roll day, despite how short this book is, to finish the book itself. Busy days and real life and all...

I'm thinking that I can't really think of what to say about this book, enjoyable as it was. And I could promise a review forthcoming, but chances are, I think I'm just going to either group the entire four-book House of Steele installments together and give them a brief series review... or something.
It's just that, this book is simply a straight forward romance with a suspense plot included, where a beautiful man and a beautiful woman, with some unique characteristics of the author's choosing (geeky computer skills in this one), are thrown together under circumstances, then fall in lust almost immediately, quickly followed up by deeper feelings. Meanwhile, stuff happens in the background.
A great, short fluff piece to devour, really, because Addison Fox does present an enjoyable read, even if some of the rapid-fire scenes didn't really make much sense. And then the obligatory angst... Oh the angst!
Honestly, I read exactly one other book written by her called Baby It's Cold Outside and loved it. I'm still trying to decide if I'm disappointed that this one wasn't amazing, or a little sheepish that I might have over done my expectations a bit.
Here is my third roll:

I rolled a 5, and from New Orleans Square Station (14) moved to the Jail Visitor square. Yes, we are Just Visiting: "Donate 100 pages (or $1.00) to the prison library before leaving the space. Post your donation on the group "Prison library" thread!"
Here is my live game board:
Teddy Bear game piece is just a tad bit too big to sit in the visiting aisle, so he's a bit further off in the corner to convey that we are NOT actually IN the jail, but just chatting with anyone who's in there. "Hello! I brought honey cakes! And obviously a book to read." *waves*
The angle of the board, when I propped it back up, caused a bit of a glare when I took the picture, and I couldn't get it right, so this will have to do. Once again, Magnetic Monkey is hanging out, but he seems to be a bit happier about my roll than I am. Obviously I will not be increasing my Bank amount with this roll, though at least I won't be stuck for 300 pages worth of a sentence.
Looks like I might be the first to donate to our jail library! Use it wisely guys. =P
With some clarification from Moonlight in the Q&A (Thanks!), I can simply read part of a book to count for this roll. In fact, I could read anything, it sounds like, as long as I can accumulate at least 100 pages.
So I will be reading from my current book False Memory by Dean Koontz. It's the one book I DO need to finish this month to fulfill my Reading Assignment challenge, so I'm trying to make progress on it, little-by-little--I've been at this book since the beginning of the month. While it's slow going, I can't seem to make myself give up on it because I kind of DO want to know how everything wraps up, even as the tediousness to the book's progression is getting frustrating.
I will try to get at least 100 pages read before the next odd day, and update appropriately with my next roll. If I can, I'll try to read more and maybe donate an extra 100 pages!

Current Bank: $26.00
- Roll #1 (4/15): A Perilous Undertaking by Deanna Raybourn / 345 pages = $3.00
- Roll #2 (4/17): The Paris Assignment by Addison Fox / 284 pages = $3.00