~~ Ten Favorite Books I Read for ~~
~~ Halloween Bingo 2016 ~~
This week for Top Ten Tuesday, the topic is a freebie--a Halloween Related Freebie. And so for this topic, I decided to make use of the Halloween Bingo I'm participating in through Booklikes. It's been so much fun, and as the end of Halloween Bingo 2016 draws near, of course I have some favorites I'd like to shout about.
In no particular order: (titles link to my reviews)

The Girl Who Chased the Moon by Sarah Addison Allen
Murder of Crows by Anne Bishop

The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson
The Ghost Bride by Yangsze Choo
I really only had eight favorites of everything I've read for Halloween Bingo. And to be honest, there weren't a lot of books I didn't like, save for maybe one. All the other books read were mediocre to "I liked it, but didn't love it."
The two books at the very top, The Graveyard Book and A Curious Beginning, were my ultimate favorites!
There are four more books I have yet to read for Halloween Bingo, and I can't really say for sure whether I'd love them or not.