Top Ten Tuesday is an original and weekly feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.


~~ Ten Favorite Books I Read for ~~

~~ Halloween Bingo 2016 ~~



This week for Top Ten Tuesday, the topic is a freebie--a Halloween Related Freebie.  And so for this topic, I decided to make use of the Halloween Bingo I'm participating in through Booklikes.  It's been so much fun, and as the end of Halloween Bingo 2016 draws near, of course I have some favorites I'd like to shout about.

In no particular order:  (titles link to my reviews)


I really only had eight favorites of everything I've read for Halloween Bingo.  And to be honest, there weren't a lot of books I didn't like, save for maybe one.  All the other books read were mediocre to "I liked it, but didn't love it."

The two books at the very top, The Graveyard Book and A Curious Beginning, were my ultimate favorites!

There are four more books I have yet to read for Halloween Bingo, and I can't really say for sure whether I'd love them or not.


