First Act - Belle Aurora

I wrote an entire review over at Goodreads first, hit save and everything disappeared. I'm too frustrated to try to rewrite it verbatim (not that I remember any of it anyway), and it's not like I can get my flare back on.

Basic premise of the review that played "Disappearing Act" with me:


I was interested in the concept of this book:


I saw it as a Girl K meets Gunslinger Girl type of bad-assery and hoped for as much.  I mean, teen girl assassin raised as a fake nun in a fake convent, taking up as part of a vigilant justice type of organization.  I can work with that sort of premise.  I was looking forward to all the action and the action and the badass action.




Instead, what I got was a pretty good start and build-up, followed by two missions that lasted all of two seconds (get in, meet the target, tell him the plan to kill him, proceed to kill him, clean-up duty, end of mission), and the rest of the book was "The Day In the Life of Catarina AKA Night Fury and Her Secret Assassin Secrets When She's Not Playing Assassin". We get to see about 10% teen girl assassin stuff, and the rest just focused entirely on Cat's non-romance about her first love, her first crush, her almost first crush requited, her new love interest with a bad boy... The typical YA romance woes.



I'm not gonna lie. I was expecting something a little more dark and gritty; more blood, guts, and gore; more action and suspense; more bad-assery.

And then the cliffhanger... Oh, I how I love to hate cliffhangers like these. I'm equal parts curious and overly frustrated with this one -- enough to consider continuing with the series when the next book comes out, while at the same time begrudging its existence.

Anyway, this short wrap-up managed to reiterate what I had previously written in my initial review before Goodreads ate it two seconds after I hit the save button...

And now I have thoughts of going back and watching the short K-drama that is a badass teen girl assassin story I could appreciate (see above for info).