(For roll details, see up update post.)
I had a couple books in mind for two of the three spaces above, and after some searching, have finally made a few decisions. This is what I've come up with:
Roll #3 | The Lake House 20: Read a book that features a dog or which has a dog on the cover; or that is set in an area known for its lakes or on a fictional lake.
I shall be reading Run to the Ground by Katie Ruggle, which will fit the criteria of having a dog on the cover. This book clocks at 416 pages, Kindle version, which is equal to $5.
Memorial Day Bonus Rolls
Roll #4 | The Summer Blockbuster 27: Read a book that features a hero's journey or is a Bildungsroman (coming of age tale); or that has a word related to space in the title (i.e., star, planet, rocket).
I wasn't sure I'd be able to find a book for this particular space's prompts, but then I recalled that there are a lot of high fantasy adventures out there I'd been meaning to read that could very well fit the frame of a "hero's journey." After doing a bit of a search, I actually ended up wavering between three different books, and in the end, what decided me was based on familiarity, and accessibility. The summary of Wolfskin sounds very much like a "hero's journey," but if it's not, please let me know and I'll fall back on a different one. The other two books I'd been considering were Assassin's Apprentice by Robin Hobb, and The Gunslinger by Stephen King.
Being more familiar with Juliet Marillier, and actually owning the paperback itself was pretty much the deciding factor for me. My paperback version of Wolfskin is 516 pages, which will get me a $5 addition to the bank.
Roll #5 | European Vacation 35: Read a book set in Europe, or that was written by an author who was born in Europe, or that involves travel by boat or that has a picture of a ship on the cover.
I have chosen to continue on with the next Lady Darby Mystery book by Anna Lee Huber, A Grave Matter. The book takes place in Scotland. This book clocks at 433 pages, Kindle version, which is yet, another $5 to my Bank Total upon completion.
Looks like I have some serious reading ahead of me!