My library hold for the Flat Book Society read this month alerted me some time last week, but due to schedule constraints, I hadn't had time to pick up the book until today. After browsing for a little while and not finding anything else I wanted to check out--which is probably a good thing since I've got what feels like a million books on my plate right now anyway--I headed out of the library....
... only to turn right back around when I spotted their display by the entrance.
Oh my, SO MANY PENGUINS! Aren't they all so cute?!
Needless to say, I got super giddy and excited. If we haven't already figured it out yet, I have an immense love for penguins. I mean, I love animals, in particular (monkeys, pandas, mice, dogs... Dino Baby! Rawr!). I've used any number of these for many a blog post and reading games.
Heck, Peek-a-Boo Penni Penguin, alongside Magnetic Monkey, has sort of become my bookish/game mascot.
Meanwhile, back to the Flat Book Society pick, The Disappearing Spoon by Sam Kean, the official book club read starts tomorrow, but I might go ahead and jump in if I get a chance, just to get a head start, as well as get an idea how I want to divide out parts for when to read.
Because I've finished a couple other books I've been reading, I'm at least not juggling too many current reads at the moment. I'm listening to The Neverending Story on audio book, which is a pretty slow process right now as I'm really only listening to it during commutes, or if I need to multi-task. I just started Amanda Quick's I Thee Wed, my second Reading Assignment book for Professor AuthorLuv's course. I also started the fourth Cormoran Strike installment a couple days ago and am letting myself move through this one slowly, as has always been the case with previous Cormorant Strike novels.
Not too much to handle, right?