(January 6)




12/29/2018:  Completed Tasks 1 and 2 for now.  I'm wanting to include a couple more tasks, but we'll see what I can manage by the end of the game!  2 points for now!



Task 1

Tell us: What’s your favorite trilogy?
-- COMPLETED 12/28/2018 --

Hmm... I knew this one wouldn't be easy--choosing a favorite often isn't.  Of course, I thought it would be a matter of choosing between one trilogy or another.  Instead, my dilemma is more that most of my favorite series have been either duologies or four-book series.  And I especially have had some favorite ongoing series.  Maybe I can list one duology and one four-book series and average it out to a trilogy?  Is that how book-math works?


Ultraviolet by R.J. Anderson


The Brothers Sinister by Courtney Milan

Just kidding.  I just wanted to show off some fave series with pretty covers.  =D

I DO have some trilogies that I particularly loved.  I'd say the closest to my favorite trilogy might be the following.  Although Robin LaFever had announced the addition of two more installments, so it's technically NOT a trilogy anymore... but the next two books start a new chapter with a new sub-series title... so this is still kind of a trilogy?


His Fair Assassin by Robin LaFevers



Task 2

Chalking the door is an Epiphany tradition in some places, to bless a home for the coming year. Different patterns exist, with different meanings.  If you could create your own pattern to bless your house next year, what would it look like?
-- COMPLETED 12/28/2018 --

I think I'd go with the design on one of my t-shirts.


Just kidding.  It took a little bit of thought, but I think I'd like the chalk a design of the lucky cat onto our home's door.



Either one of the above cats would do.  The first is a bauble head lucky cat that sits atop my desk.  I added some lucky stars for decorative effect.  The characters are in Japanese and translates to "invitation of good fortune" (maneki shiawase).  The second one is a picture I found online, and I LOVE it and want one--the characters are Chinese for "good health fortune" (jian kang yun).



Task 3

Compile a post containing one image for every gift mentioned / added in each new verse of The Twelve Days of Christmas (lyrics here: https://www.41051.com/xmaslyrics/twelvedays.html).

Whichever comes first...



Task 4

Prepare your favorite spicy dish or holiday drink containing spices and share a photo.  Also sharing the recipe is optional but welcome!

With only a few days left of the month, this one may not take place, but I'm reserving the right to come back and update later if I end up making anything this weekend.



Book Task

Read a book with three main characters; OR a book about traveling on a journey to a faraway place; OR a book that's part of a trilogy; OR with a star on the cover; OR with the word "twelve" or "night" in the title; OR concerning kings or spices

I have books picked out.  Getting them read is another matter altogether...



Source: http://anicheungbookabyss.blogspot.com/2018/12/24-festive-tasks-door-24-epiphany.html