I really do hope to start blogging more actively now that my work schedule is coming back to a more normal routine--and I don't just mean switching to a day shift position, which is technically more of a midday shift position. But with this transition, and all the fiasco about my car running into a deer, things have certainly been chaotic.
The last two week at my former job was a big headache, because someone accidentally entered my last day incorrectly, so I got booted out of the system for three nights. Dealing with all of that was annoying, and I almost just wanted to say F-it! and just call in sick for those last few days. But I persevered, and now I've started my new job in a new set of hours, and things have been quite nice so far.
The transition has been a little tougher than I'd expected, but I hope everything will normalize soon.
I've been reading, but not really blogging, so I'm a little behind in my reviews. In order to make myself a happier person, I've just been indulging in the rest of Tessa Dare's Spindle Cove series, and will be finishing it up, hopefully by the end of the year. It's been a rather enjoyable Tessa Dare marathon for me, and I'm quite satisfied with myself. Because of my strange anal need to read all things in the order they were published, I will also be starting Tessa Dare's Castles Ever After series, if only because it shares a last book with Spindle Cove, apparently--Do You Want to Start a Scandal?
Don't ask.
Meanwhile, I'm finishing up the Flat Book Society Read, Forensics by Val McDermid, which hasn't exactly been what I was expecting, but still enjoyable to an extent.
What I Read Last Week
What I'm Currently Reading
What I'm Hoping to Read Next
Other Plans On the Blog
I had stated in a previous post that I have a few 16 Festive Tasks posts planned--for the actual activity tasks, and not the reading tasks. Hopefully I will be able to get those written and fleshed out, then posted at some point. I especially want to get the Thanksgiving task posted this week, preferably the day before Thanksgiving, or maybe even on Thanksgiving Day.
While I'm still training at my new job, I will have every weekend off until they deem me ready to work by myself, so hopefully I will be able to prioritize my weekends to include some blogging, and plan a few more 16 Tasks posts!
Meanwhile, I will probably be flooding everyone with the backlogged reviews I've yet to finalize.
Hope everyone else is having a good month! I've been missing the updates, but have been skimming the Booklikes dashboard and seeing all the 16 Festive Tasks activity!