This is the actual Audible book cover for this audio book version of Dracula:
You know... in case anyone was wondering.
I had forgotten that I was saving this audio book for October. This is the Tim Curry, Alan Cumming, and full cast Audible version, which also Whispersyncs with the Kindle book. I became interested a while back and on a whim, went ahead and added both to my library.
I read Dracula a long time ago when I was in the sixth grade for a book report and presentation. I never actually finished the book (or if I had, I don't remember it), because I had to rush through the end of the darn thing and then slap together a last minute report. To this day, I still don't remember why I ran out of time so quickly, AND I'm not entirely certain how I managed to write a full book report without even having finished it.
Yeah. I know... blasphemy... or some such equivalent of book taboo stuff.
So I have always wanted to reread Dracula, because while I never finished reading it, I did get to the last few chapters and I recall really liking it a lot.
I'm hoping I'll have the same experience this time around, listening to the audio book version, and maybe following along with the print or Kindle version. I also own a large leather bound tome (or so it looks like a classic, fancy leather bound tome, courtesy of Borders Classics), that has three classic horror novels, Dracula being one of them.
I often don't like rereads, because I hate to ruin that nostalgic memory of having loved the book with giddy glee only to realize it wasn't really all that great--but this has really only happened to be twice in my life. The stats are bad though, because I don't often reread books (or listen to audio book versions of books I've already read).